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Sadar + Vuga
Sadar + Vuga
nationality: slovenian
Sadar + Vuga Arhitekti d.o.o.
Tivolska cesta 50
SI-1000 Ljubljana - Slovenia [Slovenija]
Tel: +386.1.430.56.64 - Fax: +386.1.430.56.68
Jurij Sadar

* Celje, Yugoslavia [Jugoslavija], 1963
nationality: slovenian
Boštjan Vuga

* Nova Gorica, Yugoslavia [Jugoslavija], 1966
nationality: slovenian
Jurij Sadar and Boštjan Vuga established Sadar+Vuga in 1996, following wins at architectural competitions for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and the Central part of the National Gallery. The office has since created memorable architecture with great influence on their contemporaries as well as on younger generation of architects and has thus significally contributed to Slovenian culture.

Fresh wind in the established profession

Sadar + Vuga Arhitekti, Jurij Sadar, Boštjan Vuga, SloveniaSadar+Vuga enthusiastically approached the transtitional 1990s, when times in the young republic were favourable to changes in architecture. The inspiration for the office’s work came from all forms of contemporary culture, skillfully translated into architectural language and spatial experiences.

Realisations in different scales, programs and materialities, ranging from the forementioned Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Ljubljana, 1999) and Central part of the National Gallery (Ljubljana, 2001) to the exhibition building for Arcadia Lightwear (Ljubljana, 2000) and a smaller, but formally complex fountain in Solkan (2001), established the young office on the map of European architecture.

Simoultaneously with rich and multilayered production Sadar+Vuga established a contemporary approach towards the architectural profession, which was - unlike the hermetically closed ateliers of Plečnik’s tradition - based on three postulates: open, integral, innovative. The office established a certain transparency in ther communication with the public and investors, it was favourable to the interdepartmental collaboration and systematically searched for ‘new’ in their own architecture.

Plurality of architectural expression

Sadar+Vuga acted on the international level since its inception, but nevertheless designed the majority of their projects for Slovenia’s capital, Ljubljana. Wanting to experiment with different architectural concepts and their effects on larger urban changes they consciously renounced having a style, a ‘signature’.

However, they have - through studies and realisations - developed certain architectural themes, categorised them and slowly formed their own architectural vocabulary - a creative catalog - which they presented at 2006 Venice Architectural Biennale as Slovenian representatives with an exhibition titled Formula New Ljubljana. With the introduction of formulas they systematically developed a coherent methodology which compared architectural products and their effects, and presented them with a common denominator - formulas - on a single experimental testing ground - Ljubljana.

Two buildings that describe Sadar+Vuga’s plurality of expression best are the apartment complexes Condominium Trnovski pristan (Ljubljana, 2004) and Gradaška (Ljubljana, 2007), which are built only a couple hundred meters apart but embody their specific contexts in formally and expressively distinct ways.

Sports park Stožice - the largest public project in independent Slovenia

During the period of economic growth the office received several large public commisions: Maribor Cultural Center (Maribor, 2010, not realised), Air Traffic Control Centre (Brnik, 2013) and the large programmatic hybrid - Sports park Stožice (Ljubljana, 2010, unfinished). Three formally completely different projects share their engineering complexity and the desire to creatively reinterpret rigid and technologically determined programs (concert hall, stadium, control room). The Sports park Stožice, for example, combines three completely different programs - professional sports, commercial center and public park - in one condensed area with the potential to become a lively urban center of activities, a complete opposite to the modern, isolated sports buildings, visited only during the events.

Re-use, complex interiors and collaboration with Slovenian and foreign offices

Uncompleted projects (Maribor Cultural Center, Sports park Stožice) and the new reality of the economic crisis forced the office to switch to smaller projects, find commisions abroad and rethink the role of architecture today. The focus of the office’s production and communication thus became the re-use of the abandoned construction sites and buildings, materialised through the international student workshop Sports park Stožice: Possible Futures (Ljubljana, 2015) and the winning proposal for the reconstruction and adaptation of Dom revolucije (Nikšić, 2016 - in progress, together with HHF Architects and Dijana Vučinić). In these years the office also tackled several complex interior projects, designed for private clients.

Sadar+Vuga collaborated with foreign offices and participated at international competitions, seeking larger commissions abroad. The first building of the larger masterplan for a new school campus in Ghent, the Faculty for the Study of Social Works (2012, together with LENS°ASS), is currently under construction; the office also received first prize at the international competition for the Supreme Court and School of magistrates in Tirana (2015, together with PRG*BR).

Simoultaneously, the office collaborated at designing several professionally acclaimed realisations at home, such as the Cultural Center of EU Space Technologies (Vitanje, 2012, together with Bevk Perović, Dekleva Gregorič and OFIS arhitekti) and the renovation of Slovenska boulevard (Ljubljana, 2015, together with Dekleva Gregorič, Katušič Kockbek arhitekti, Scapelab and Studio Krištof).
2020 - 2024
Fakultete za strojništvo
Slovenia [Slovenija] » Ljubljana
2015 - 2018
Dom Revolucije [Adaptation and reconstruction]
Montenegro [Crna Gora] » Nikšić
2015 - 2016
Banka Slovenije | Lobby
Slovenia [Slovenija] » Ljubljana
1997 - 2010
Football Stadium and Multipurpose Sports Hall Stožice
Slovenia [Slovenija] » Ljubljana
2003 - 2007
Slovenia [Slovenija] » Ljubljana
1996 - 2005
Slovenia [Slovenija] » Ljubljana
2002 - 2004
Slovenia [Slovenija] » Ljubljana
1998 - 2001
Slovenia [Slovenija] » Nova Gorica
Sadar Vuga arhitekti. Formula New Ljublijana, Actar, Barcelona 2007
review: Marta G. Carbonero, "Sadar Vuga: nuevos iconos eslavos", Arquitectura Viva 111, XI-XII 2007, "Libros" p. 100
  Sadar+Vuga XX
Directed by
Damjan Kozole
Year of production
Boštjan Vuga, Jurij Sadar, Ana Kreč, Ian Anderson, Maroje Mrduljaš, Maja Vardjan, Janez Koželj, Aran Chadwick, Juergen Mayer H., Andreas Ruby, Dijana Vučnić, Simon Hartmann
Architect's role

Focus of Sadar+Vuga XX documentary by director Damjan Kozole is the design process behind one of the most influential Slovenian architectural studios of the new generation, Sadar+Vuga.

The documentary Sadar+Vuga XX explores the production and communication of the Slovenian architectural firm Sadar+Vuga established by Jurij Sadar and Boštjan Vuga in Ljubljana in 1996. Individual reflections and talks with Slovenian and foreign architects, architectural critics and policy-makers, combined with overviews of the firm’s extensive archives and visits to their largest realisations, document the diverse architectural production with which the architects consistently employ to seek out the new in architecture.

The film leads viewers chronologically through the firm’s four distinct periods. It begins with the founding of Sadar+Vuga in the transtitional mid-1990s, a period open to political, social and architectural change, then through a time of growth and economic crisis, culminating with the never fully realised project for the Sports park Stožice, the career achievement that really wasn’t.

Winka Dubbeldam, Helene Furján (ed.), P.A.N. (Progressive Architecture Network), Firenze, SESV, 20 september/11 october 2007
6IX:PACK, Firenze, SESV (Spazio Espositivo di Santa Verdiana), 3/13 february 2004
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