BuzzoSpinelli Architecture is a young architecture practise created in 2014 by Isabelle Buzzo and Jean-Philippe Spinelli, both ENSA graduates - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture in Marseille. Working in Paris and in Bonifacio, the architects have chosen to juggle between the great concert of the city and the wild silence of the island.
Embracing architecture, urbanism, and landscaping, the studio's works and projects scales are well-diversified. Their approach offers each project a solution resulting from a personal and sensitive commitment to a given context. The architects' practice of architecture is animated by a will to touch.
Since 2016, the studio has been awarded the Albums des Jeunes Architectes et des Paysagistes price- AJAP, it has been nominated for the Equerre d'Argent price - first artwork category, and finally it has been laureate of the Archi Design Club Awards - Activity & Industry category.