Abitazioni in Appiano / Wohnanlage Eppan
The Eppan Housing Complex |
Relationship with the location |
The residential building with 23 flats in a housing cooperative in Eppan is remarkable for its individual aesthetic; yet its origin is deeply rooted in the village structure typical of South Tyrol and the materiality surrounding it. |
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The buildings are restrained in form and expression and unpretentiously conceived. Variety is produced in the variation of openings; room-high windows and structured roof strips articulate the façades; nevertheless, orientation is on the already existing residential buildings in the village.
For the complex the architect alluded to the compact village structure specific to South Tyrol. The buildings nestle smoothly with different levels into the structure of the location and thus complement the overall impression of the settlement, which is now compounded of old and new elements. The existing terraced terrain of the building ground was exploited for the formation of private terraces and gardens.
The central element of the residential complex in Eppan is a green inner courtyard around which the five ideally conceived residential buildings are grouped; this free space can be used communally and hence serves as meeting point fostering the social conviviality of the residents there.
The building project brought with it another exciting challenge: during its implementation it was already known who would actually move into the flats when they were ready, enabling direct negotiations and consensus with these families as to their individual wishes and needs. This produced a housing complex that demonstrates a well-thought-out mixture of private and public (free) space. |
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reinforced concrete A new aspect of this building project is the cooperation between feld72 and the South Tyrol concrete company PROGRESS. Uniquely for the Eppan building, exposed concrete-sandwich elements nuanced in warm earthy tones were developed within a period as brief as it was intensive, which lend the complex a sculptural character. The material used in Eppan manifests excellent thermal insulation values and oustandingly high resistance, and can be worked quickly and cleanly in the building process; moreover, building costs are no higher than for conventional brick buildings.
The concrete mixture also creates the special aesthetic of the complex, which is kept in warm, brown tones.
Continent |
Nation |
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Province |
Town |
Address |
ARCHITECTURE | Residential buildings
Multiple dwelling
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Project |
project winner of limited competiton
Realisation |
2015 |
2016 |
Rassegna Architettura Arco Alpino Architetti Arco Alpino |
2015 |
Premio Architettura Alto Adige / Architekpreis Südtirol Residenze / Wohnen
The opinion of the jury:
Il progetto riguarda la costruzione di 23 appartamenti realizzati da una cooperativa costituita dai singoli proprietari. La «Wohnanlage Eppan» è particolare perché fa della relazione fra persona, paese ed ambiente circostante il fondamento del progetto. Quindi non solo si inserisce perfettamente nel contesto, ma rafforza l’ambito del paese in cui si colloca. Rendendo pubblico parte del terreno privato, l’intervento salda il nuovo complesso al tessuto urbano preesistente facendolo diventare parte del paese. Tutti gli appartamenti, per quanto di piccola dimensione, dispongono di uno spazio esterno prezioso e orientato in maniera ideale, in forma di giardino, definito da: terrazza, balcone o loggia, con particolari vedute sulla vallata o fianco della montagna retrostante. Particolare attenzione è posta alla privacy di ogni singolo appartamento, ma al contempo si punta al concetto di «social condensor», stimolando cioè una sensazione di appartenenza. Lo spazio interno, denominato come da tradizione «Anger», un polmone verde fra le case, viene introdotto nel progetto come prezioso elemento di connessione. Il rivestimento dei volumi, il loro posiziona- mento, la padronanza degli interspazi impreziosiscono, pur con mezzi limitati, il progetto. La giuria ritiene che esso contribuisca ad una forma di convivenza di grande valore, con un atteggiamento misurato attraverso il quale l’integrazione nel paese esistente viene pienamente realizzata.
Das Projekt betrifft den Bau von 23 Wohnungen einer Wohnbaugenossenschaft aus einzelnen Eigentümern. Die »Wohnanlage Eppan« ist etwas Besonderes, weil sie aus den Beziehungen zwischen Mensch, Dorf und Umgebung das Fundament des Projektes macht. Daher fügt es sich nicht nur perfekt in den Kontext ein, sondern verstärkt das Umfeld des Dorfes, in dem es sich befindet. Indem ein Teil des Privatgrundes öffentlich gemacht wurde, verbindet der Eingriff den neuen Komplex mit dem bestehenden urbanen Gefüge und lässt ihn so zu einem Teil des Dorfes werden. Alle Wohnungen, wenn auch mit geringen Ausmaßen, verfügen über einen wertvollen, bestens ausgerichteten Außenbereich in Form eines Gartens, der bestimmt wird durch: Terrasse, Balkon oder Loggia mit besonderen Ausblicken auf das Tal oder den dahinterliegenden Berg. Der Privacy einer jeden Wohnung wird besondere Aufmerksamkeit zuteil, aber gleichzeitig wird das Konzept des »social condensor« verfolgt und somit ein Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit angeregt. Der traditionsgemäß als »Anger« bezeichnete Innenhof, eine grüne Lunge zwischen den Gebäuden, wird als wertvolles Verbindungsglied ins Projekt eingefügt. Die Verkleidung der Volumina, deren Anordnung und die Herrschaft über die Zwischenräume erhöhen, wenn auch mit begrenzten Mitteln, den Wert des Projektes. Die Jury befindet, dass es mit seiner maßvollen Vorgehensweise, mit der die Integration in das Dorf vollständig erreicht wird, einen Beitrag zu einer sehr wertvollen Form des Zusammenlebens liefert. |
Matthias Boeckl, "Wohnanlage in Eppan, Südtirol. Dorfanger reloaded / A housing complex in Appiano sulla Strada del Vino in the South Tyrol, Italy. The village green reloaded", Architektur Aktuell 429, dezember/december 2015 [Small scale / Größe im Kleinen], "Projects" pp. 106-116 |
Surface |
Consistence |
5 buildings 23 dwelling units |
Systems |
Collaborators |
Nicol Bolletta, Soner Ertim, Marino Fei, Kathrin John, Rinor Kaba, Kaja Kos, Gerhard Mair, Eduardo Nobili |
Photos © Hertha Hurnaus Drawings © feld72 Text edited by A B C Ana Berlin Communications Courtesy of A B C Ana Berlin Communications