El Croquis 183, II/2016 [Jean Nouvel. 2007-2016. Reflejos de los contemporáneo / Contemporary reflections]"Museo del Louvre en Abu Dabi / Louvre of Abu Dhabi", El Croquis 183, II/2016 [Jean Nouvel. 2007-2016. Reflejos de los contemporáneo / Contemporary reflections], pp. 48-57
"Chantier du Louvre, Abu Dhabi. Avril 2014 / Louvre building site, Abu Dhabi. April 2014", Moniteur Architecture AMC 233, mai/may 2014, pp. 10-11
Andy Pottinger, "BIM on the Louvre Abu Dhabi", The Structural Engineer 11/2013 [Building information modelling. Projects and perspectives], november 2013, pp. 72-77 (5-119)
"Die Zukunft des Louvre / The future of the Louvre", Bauwelt 5/2013, 25 januar/january 2013, pp. 14-33J. Emil Sennewald, "Der Louvre in Abu Dhabi. Schattenspiele / Project for a Louvre on the cultural island of Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi", Bauwelt 5/2013, 25 januar/january 2013, pp. 32-33 (14-33)
Abitare 518, dicembre 2011-gennaio 2012/december 2011-january 2012 [Being Jean Nouvel]"Abu Dhabi 30.05.2011. Luce, acqua e deserto: il Louvre parla arabo / Light, water and the desert: the Louvre speaks arabic", Abitare 518, dicembre 2011-gennaio 2012/december 2011-january 2012 [Being Jean Nouvel], pp. 92-97
Jean Nouvel, "Abu Dhabi Louvre Museum, Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2007-2012", GA Document 111 [Jean Nouvel], march 2010, pp. 48-55
"Abu Dhabi. Jean Nouvel. Museo del Louvre, Saadiyat", Arquitectura Viva 111, XI-XII 2006, [Próximo Oriente/Near East], pp. 52-53
TDIC (Tourism Development & Investment Company) AFM (Agence France-Muséums)
concept: Youssef Tohme, Raphael Renard, Qiang Zou, Reda Slaoui
preliminary: Frederic Imbert, Stacy Eisenberg, Sébastien Yeou, Roula Akiki, Reda Slaoui, Marion Foucault, Virginie Heckle, Athina Faraut, Stéphanie Menem, Mark Davis, Kathryn Stutts, Abel Patacho, Anne Traband, Alessandro Balducci, Jordi Vinyals, Michal Treder, Mireia Sala Font, Camille Dauty, Steven Fuhrman, Miguel Reyes
realisation: Michal Treder, Mireia Sala Font, Rolando Rodriguez-Leal, Natalia Wrzask, Daniella De Almeida, Kelly Anastassiou, Maryam Hosny, Zaina Khayyat
Structural consultant
preliminary: Arup
realisation: Buro Happold
Seismic consultant
Facades consultant
Andrew Snalune
Graphic design
Clovis Vallois
Graphics and signage
Philippe Apeloig, Kristian Sarkis
Lighting design
AIK Yann Kersalé
8’18” Georges Berne
Acoustical consultant
Studio DAP
Artistic and multimedia installations
Ducks scéno Michel Cova
Plastic models, rendering, visualization
images: Clément Oudin, Raphael Renard, Jugulta Le Clerre