Domus 830, ottobre/october 2000 [La nuova Museologia / The new Museology], pp. 74-85
Sir Francis Bourgeois gave his collection to create the world's first free standing picture gallery in London. During the 1870s Charles Barry added an entrace pavilion. Between 1909 and 1939 five entirely new galleries were added in front of Soane's boldly arcaded east facade and a new projecting gallery (later made into the main entrance). In 1944 the west elevation and mausoleum were blown apart by a VI flying bomb. From 1995 to 2000 Rick Mather have work on a project for restoring, reordering and extending.
WEST 8 MOSAIC La consapevolezza che il paesaggio contemporaneo è per la maggior parte ar...
BATHROOMS 2 Nuovo ricchissimo repertorio di progetti recenti, questo libro è un utile ...