CAC - Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art
Continent |
  North America |
Nation |
  United States |
State |
  Ohio |
County |
  Hamilton |
Town |
  Cincinnati |
Address |
  44 East Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 (Walnut street)
Telephone |
Fax |
Website |
E-mail |
ARCHITECTURE | Museums and buildings for exhibitions
Art museums
| |
Project |
1998 - 2000
project winner of competition
Realisation |
2001 - 2003 |
"Centro Rosenthal de Arte Contemporáneo/Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art", in Zaha Hadid. 1983 2004, El Croquis [52+73+103], Madrid 2004, pp. 396-413 |
"Zaha Hadid. The Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2003", Casabella 714, settembre/september 2003, pp. 6-29 Nicholas Adams, "Ossimoro, cioè costruire e rappresentare/Zaha Hadid's Cincinnati Contemporary", Casabella 714, settembre/september 2003, pp. 26-27 (6-29), 89-90 |
Rowan Moore, "Zaha Hadid in America", Domus 861, luglio-agosto/july-august 2003, pp. 28-43 |
Michela Comba, "Si apre a Cincinnati il nuovo Contemporary Arts Center", Il giornale dell'architettura 6, aprile 2003, "Musei" p. 22 |
Markus Dochautschi, Space for Art. Zaha Hadid. Contemporary Arts Center. Cincinnati, Lars Müller Verlag, Baden 2003 |
Paolo Vincenzo Genovese, "Il nuovo Centro di Arte contemporanea a Cincinnati di Zaha Hadid/Zaha Hadid's new Centemporary Art Center in Cincinnati", L'architettura. Cronache e storia 563, settembre/september 2002, pp. 618-621 |
"Centro Rosenthal de Arte Contemporáneo/Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art", El Croquis 103, 2001/V [Zaha Hadid. 1996-2001], pp. 166-173 |
Philip Jodidio, Building a new millennium, Taschen, Köln 2000, pp. 188-189 |
Joan Ockman, Nicholas Adams, "Forme dello spettacolo/Forms of Spectacle", Casabella 673/674, dicembre 1999-gennaio 2000/december 1999-january 2000 [USA, architettura come spettacolo], p. 5 (4-7), 162-163 |
"Zaha Hadid", Casabella 670, settembre/september 1999, "Profilo" pp. 22-47 "Centro per le arti contemporanee/Contemporary Arts Center. Cincinnati 1998", Casabella 670, settembre/september 1999, "Profilo" pp. 42-47 (22-47) |
L'architecture d'aujourd'hui 324, septembre-octobre/september-october 1999, pp. 98-100 (89-109) |
"Grandi avvenimenti americani/Great amaerican events", Domus 816, giugno/june 1999 [Cultura U.S.A./American culture], "Evento/Event" pp. 47-54 Richard Koshalek, Erica Clark, "Parte I: il ritorno del Brave New World/Part I: Brave New World re-emerges", Domus 816, giugno/june 1999 [Cultura U.S.A./American culture], "Evento/Event" pp. 48-49 (47-54) |
Alessandro Gubitosi, "Dinamismo interattivo/Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati", L'Arca 137, maggio/may 1999 [La trasparenza/Trasparency], pp. 76-79 |
Susan R. Bleznick, "Cincinnati, not thought of as a hotbed of design, has been building a portfolio of work by world-famous architects", Architectural Record 11/1998, november 1998, "Departments/Corrispondent's file" p. 38 (37-39) |
Architectural Record 4/98, april 1998, p. 35 |
The Contemporary Art Center of Cincinnati (Charles Desmarais) |
Surface |
floor sq.m. 8.130 building sq.m. 1.022 |
THP Limited, Inc. - Shayne Manning, Murray Monroe |
Project  |
Project architect |
Associate architect |
KZF Incorporated, Cincinnati - Donald L. Cornett, Mark Stedtefeld |
Acoustical consultant |
Ove Arup and Partners - Neill Woodger, Andrew Nicol, Richard Cowell |
Lighting engineer |
Office for Visual Interaction, Inc. - Jean Sundin, Enrique Pelninger |
Systems |
Heapy Engineering - Ron Chapman, Gary Eodice, Kirby Morgan, Fred Grable |