Neanderthal Museum
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One of the most popular and modern museums in Europe stands where, more than 160 years ago, the eponymous Neanderthal was discovered. In 1856 in the Düssel River valley, framed by steep walls at that time, workers quarrying limestone discovered bones which were identified by the Wuppertal naturalist Johann Fuhlrott as the skeletal remains of an Ice Age human - Neanderthals had arrived.
Today Neanderthals are world-famous. Everyone knows them, we have all formed an impression of them. Reason enough for a museum to be dedicated to them and the history of humanity, a museum which each year attracts 160,000 visitors to the Neander Valley, near Düsseldorf.
Visitors undertake a journey through time, exploring human history - from our beginnings in Africa more than 4 million years ago, up to the present. Especially popular are the life-like recreations of our ancestors, like the Neanderthal man "Mr. N", the Australopithecus woman "Lucy", or the Neanderthal girl "Kina". These spectacular hominins, created by the Dutch sculptors Adrie and Alfons Kennis, populate the permanent exhibition and invite visitors to feel part of the extensive human family. A diverse range of installations and interactive stations, excavation and laboratory models, as well as research boxes to look through, make a visit to the museum a rich and varied experience.
The architects Günter Zamp Kelp, Julius Krauss, and Arno Brandlhuber designed a special building which has won many prizes. The blue glass façade makes an almost unreal impression in the protected valley landscape. A visit to the museum can be combined with a visit to the find site, the sculpture trail, and the nearby Ice Age animal park. |
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ARCHITECTURE | Museums and buildings for exhibitions
Archaeology museums
Natural history museums
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Additional |
ARCHITECTURE | Buildings for cultural activities
Libraries and media libraries
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Project |
project winner of competition
Realisation |
1996 |
1997 |
Deutscher Architekturpreis Beton
Deutschen Zementindustrie |
"La espiral del tiempo. Museo de Neanderthal, Mettmann/Time's spiral. The Neanderthal Museum, Mettmann", Arquitectura Viva 55, julio-agosto/july-august 1997, pp. 92-97 |
Amber Sayah, "Neanderthal Museum, Mettmann", Domus 789, gennaio/january 1997 [Progettare la sostenibilità/Designing sustainability], "Progetti/Projects" pp. 37-42 |
Stiftung Neanderthal Museum, Mettmann |
Project |
Associate designers |
Julius Krauss, Arno Brandlhuber |
Project architect |
Design team |
Astrid Becker, Marco Glashagen, Carlos Gonzales, Alexej Kouzmine, Götz Leimkühler |
Property management |
Pelége Allemagne, Ratingen |
General contractor |
Text edited by Neanderthal Museum
Video © of Neanderthal Museum
Courtesy of Neanderthal Museum