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Pier Luigi Nervi
Pier Luigi Nervi
* Sondrio, Italy, 21 June 1891
+ Rome [Roma], Italy, 9 January 1979
nationality: italian
Pier Luigi Nervi Project
Premio Internazionale Feltrinelli per l'architettura
Gold Medal
Institute of Structural Engineers
AIA Gold Medal
The American Institute of Architects
Alfred E. Lindau Award
American Cement Institute
Concrete Industry Board Award
New York
Premio Nazionale AITEC
Premio d'onore
Royal Gold Medal
RIBA - Royal Institute of British Architects
Brown Medal
Franklin Institute
1970 - 1977
Brazil [Brasil] » Brasilia
1964 - 1971
United States » San Francisco
1966 - 1971
Aula Paolo VI (Aula Nervi - Aula delle Udienze Pontificie)
Vatican City [Status Civitatis Vaticanæ] » Vatican City [Status Civitatis Vaticanæ]
1962 - 1966
Canada » Montreal
1960 - 1964
Italy [Italia] » Mantova
1960 - 1963
United States » New York - Manhattan
1958 - 1962
Italy [Italia] » Savona
1960 - 1961
Italy [Italia] » Turin [Torino]
1953 - 1960
Italy [Italia] » Milan [Milano]
1957 - 1960
Italy [Italia] » Rome [Roma]
Italy [Italia] » Rome [Roma]
1959 - 1959
Italy [Italia] » Rome [Roma]
France [France] » Paris
1957 - 1959
Italy [Italia] » Rome [Roma]
Italy [Italia] » Florence [Firenze]
1948 - 1949
Italy [Italia] » Turin [Torino]
1930 - 1932
Italy [Italia] » Florence [Firenze]
Pier Luigi Nervi, "L'insegnamento dell'architettura", Casabella 768, luglio-agosto/july-august 2008, "Editoriale" p. 3
Pier Luigi Nervi, "L'ossatura del Centro Pirelli/Analysis of the Pirelli Building. The skeleton", Casabella 733, maggio/may 2005, pp. 73-77 (68-77), 98-99
Pier Luigi Nervi, Savoir construire, Editions du Linteau, Paris 1997
Pier Luigi Nervi, Costruire correttamente. Caratteristiche e possibilità delle strutture cPier Luigi Nervi, Costruire correttamente, Caratteristiche e possibilità delle strutture cementizie armate, Hoepli, Structuresementizie armate, Hoepli, Milano 1965
tr. en.: G. Salvadori, M. Salvadori (ed.), Structures, F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York 1956
Hoepli, Milano 1965, 2nd edition
Pier Luigi Nervi, Aesthetics and Technology in Building. Charles Eliot Norton Lectures, Harward University Press, Cambridge (MA, USA), 1965
Pier Luigi Nervi, Nuove Strutture, Edizioni di Comunità, Milano 1963
tr.en.: Buildings, projects, structures 1953-1963, Fraderick A. Praeger, New York 1963
tr.ger.: Neue Strukturen, Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart 1963
Pier Luigi Nervi, Buildings, projects, structures. 1953-1963, F.A. Praeger, New York 1963
Pier Luigi Nervi, "Modello e imitazione", Casabella Continuità 227, maggio 1959 [L'ultimo incontro con Frank Lloyd Wright], "Critica delle strutture" pp. 50-51
Pier Luigi Nervi, "Critica delle strutture", Casabella Continuità 223, gennaio/january 1959, pp. 54-56
Pier Luigi Nervi, Structures, F. W. Dodge Corporation, NewYork 1956
Pier Luigi Nervi, Luigi Cosenza, Franco Marescotti, Gino Levi Montalcini, Ludovico Quaroni, Giovanni Astengo, Architettura d’oggi, Edizioni Vallecchi, Firenze 1955
Pier Luigi Nervi, El Lenguaje Arquitectonico, Ministerio de Educatión, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Buenos Aires 1951
Pier Luigi Nervi, Scienza o arte del costruire? Caratteristiche e possibilità del cemento armato, Edizione della Bussola, Roma 1945
reprint: Città Studi Edizioni, Milano 1997
Pier Luigi Nervi, Nuove possibilità per le costruzioni navali in cemento armato, Edizioni Novissima, Roma 1943
Pier Luigi Nervi, "Il Golf dell'Ugolino a Firenze", Casabella 88, aprile 1935, pp. 8-15
Pier Luigi Nervi, "Considerazioni tecniche e costruttive sulle gradinate e pensiline per stadi", Casabella 64, aprile 1933, pp. 10-11
Micaela Antonucci, Annalisa Trentin, Tomaso Trombetti, (ed.), Pier Luigi Nervi. Gli stadi per il calcio, Bononia University Press, Bologna 2014
Tullia Iori, Pier Luigi Nervi, Motta Architettura, Milano 2009
Claudio Greco, Pier Luigi Nerv,. Dai primi brevetti al Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Torino, 1917-1948, Quart Edizioni,Claudio Greco, Pier Luigi Nervi. Dai primi brevetti al Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Torino. 1917-1948, Quart Edizioni, Luzern 2008
Giuseppe Guanci, Costruzioni e sperimentazione. L’attività del giovane Pier Luigi nervi a Prato, GCE, Firenze 2008
Luca Veresani, Marco Visconti, "Pier Luigi Nervi e Roma", Domus 766, dicembre/december 1994, "Itinerario/Itinerary" 107 pp. 87-94
Florita Z. Louis de Irizarry, Work and life of Pier Luigi Nervi. Architect, Ill. Monticello, 1984
Luigi Ramazzotti (ed.), Nervi oggi. Scritti dalle mostre e dai convegni, Kappa, Roma 1983
Gabriele Milelli (ed.), Eredità di Pier Luigi Nervi, Istituto marchigiano Accademia di scienze lettere ed arti, Ancona 1983
Fabio Mariano, Gabriele Milelli (ed.), Pier Luigi Nervi. Una scienza per l'architettura, Istituto Mides, Roma 1982
Paolo Desideri, Pier Luigi Nervi, Verlag für Architektur Artemis, Zurich 1982
"Pier Luigi Nervi", L'industria italiana del cemento 2/1979, febbraio 1979, pp. 71-78

Riccardo Morandi, "Ricordo di Pier Luigi Nervi", L'industria italiana del cemento 2/1979, febbraio 1979, pp. 71-72 (71-78)

Mario Desideri, "L'opera di Pier Luigi Nervi", L'industria italiana del cemento 2/1979, febbraio 1979, pp. 75-78 (71-78)
Paolo Desideri, Pier Luigi Nervi jr., Giuseppe Positano (ed.), Pier Luigi Nervi, Zanichelli Editore, Bologna 1979
Máté Major, Pier Luigi Nervi, Henschelverlag, Berlin 1970
Agnoldomenico Pica, Pier Luigi Nervi, Editalia, Roma 1969
Jurgen Joedicke, Pier Luigi Nervi: I. Constructions et projets. II. Structures nouvelles 1957-1963, Paris 1963
Pier Luigi Nervi. Space and Structural Integrity, San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco 1961
Ada Louise Huxtable, Pier Luigi Nervi, Ed. George Brazillier, London 1960
tr. it.: Il Saggiatore, Milano 1960

tr. ger.: Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg 1960

tr. sp.: Bruguera, Barcelona 1961
Jurgen Joedicke, Pier Luigi Nervi, Edizioni di Comunità, Milano 1957
tr. ger.: Pier Luigi Nervi. Bauten und Projekte, Verlag Gerd Hatje, Milano 1957
tr. fr.: Pier Luigi Nervi. Constructions et projets, Editions Vincent Fréal et Cie, Paris 1957
tr. en.: The works of Pier Luigi Nervi, The Architectural Press, London 1957, Frederick A. Praeger, New York 1957
Giulio Carlo Argan, Pier Luigi Nervi, Il Balcone, Milano 1955
Pier Luigi Nervi. Maître Concepteur/Batisseur / Master Designer-Builder, Centre de design de l’Université du Québec, Montréal (Canada), 24 november 2021 / 22 february 2022

Pier Luigi Nervi. Maître Concepteur Batisseur, Master Designer Builder, Orbetello Hangars, Centre Design, Montréal, CanadaWorking toward the synthesis of art and construction science, art historian Nikolaus Pevsner described Nervi as "the most brilliant artist in reinforced concrete of our time." Constructed around the globe, Nervi’s buildings belong to a spectacular period of structural and architectural innovation and symbolize the achievements of Italian engineering in the aftermath of World War II. Nervi designed and built iconic structures such as the Small Sport Palace (1958) for the Olympic Games in Rome, the Labour Palace in Turin (1960), and the Pirelli Tower in Milan (1960) with the architect Gio Ponti. Another of Nervi’s major projects, one that directly connects the engineer to Montreal, is the Place Victoria Tower (1964), designed in collaboration with the architect Luigi Moretti.

Pier Luigi Nervi. Maître Concepteur Batisseur, Master Designer Builder, Centre Design, Montréal, Québec, CanadaAn exhibition in two parts
Entitled Pier Luigi Nervi: Master Designer / Builder, the Centre de Design presents a two-part exhibition. The first is an adapted version of the traveling exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi – Architecture as Challenge, curated by Cristiana Chiorino, and presented for the first time in Brussels in 2010. The exhibition examines the long career of the engineer, from the 1920s through to the 1970s. It is the product of a multidimensional research project that brought together a large team of researchers with the goal of retracing the various contributions of Nervi's work. The result is a complex historical fresco in which Nervi's revolutionary building techniques are closely linked to post-war Italy and international social and political developments, coupled with an exploration of the rich cultural and scientific relationships in which Nervi evolved.

The second part of the exhibition is a presentation conceived and curated by Carlo Carbone and Réjean Legault, professors at UQAM École de design. Sistema Nervi focuses on five little-known experimental projects that were carried out using three central elements of Nervi’s production system: the material, the mold, and repetition. The combination of these elements led to the invention of a composite material: ferrocement. The use of ferrocement opened the way for the development of the tavellone—the formwork that was at the basis of Nervi’s brilliant shells and domes—which remains without a doubt the engineer’s most significant contribution to the constructive culture of reinforced concrete. Bringing together historic photographs, models by UQAM students, and analysis of the five Nervi projects, this presentation underscores the engineer’s atypical approach to design in the production of the built environment.
Formafantasma, Nervi in the making, Roma, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, 15 march / 14 april 2019
Pier Luigi Nervi, il modello come strumento di progetto e costruzione, Milano, Politecnico di Milano, Spazio Mostre Guido Nardi, 14 march / 19 april 2017
Pier Luigi Nervi. Architetture per lo sport, Roma, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, 5 february / 30 april 2016
Pier Luigi Nervi, Gli stadi per il calcio, Bologna, CesenaPier Luigi Nervi. Gli stadi per il calcio

Bologna, Urban Center, 14 november 2014 / 9 january 2015
Cesena (Italy), Chiesa dello Spirito Santo,30 march / 30 april 2015
Strutture romane. Montuori Musmeci Nervi, Roma, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Sala Centro Archivi di Architettura, 17 april / 5 october 2014
Pier Luigi Nervi. Sztuka i nauka budowania / Pier Luigi Nervi. Art and Science of Building, Wroclaw, Muzeum Architektury we Wrocławiu, 25 september / 17 november 2013
Pier Luigi Nervi. Architektur als Herausforderung, Zürich, ETH Departement Architektur, 19 septemeber / 22 october 2013
Pier Luigi Nervi. Architettura come Sfida. L’Industria e la Fabbrica Sospesa, Mantova, Palazzo Te, 8 september / 25 november 2012
Architettura come sfida. Roma 1960. Ingegno e costruzione, Lecce, Museo Archeologico Provinciale Sigismondo Castromediano, 14 july / 4 october 2011
Pier Luigi Nervi: analisi documentarie, ricostruzioni tridimensionali e modelli strutturali informatici, Roma, Galleria "come se", 6 / 27 may 2011
Pier Luigi Nervi. Maestro costruttore, Roma, MAXXI (Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo), 15 december 2010 / 3 april 2011
Pier Luigi Nervi. Architettura come sfida

Firenze (Italy), Manifattura Tabacchi, Edificio B8, 25 january / 25 march 2021

EPFL-ENAC Archizoom, Lausanne [Switzerland], 18 april / 22 june 2012 [Pier Luigi Nervi. L’architecture comme défi]

Salerno, Palazzo di Città, Sala del Gonfalone, 8 december 2012 / 24 february 2013

Torino, Torino Esposizioni Salone C, 29 april / 17 july 2011

Venezia, Palazzo Giustinian Lolin, 28 august / 14 november 2010
Pierluigi Nervi. L'architettura molecolare
Sondrio, Galleria Credito Valtellinese, 15 april / 20 june 2010
Olbia, Aeroporto Olbia-Costa Smeralda, 10 june / 10 july 2011
Fano, Palazzo Corbelli, Galleria Carifano, 23 november 2011 / 29 january 2012
Acireale, Galleria Credito Siciliano, 23 march / 24 june 2012
Varese, Castello di Masnago, Museo d'arte moderna e contemporanea, 21 june / 29 september 2013
Il giovane Pier Luigi Nervi a Prato. Costruzione e sperimentazione, Prato, Palazzo Buonamici, 7 march / 11 may 2008
Pier Luigi Nervi. Space and Structural Integrity, San Francisco, San Francisco Museum of Art, 12 may / 18 june 1961
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