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Born in 1953, Dominique Perrault is an architect and town planner. A committed figure in the contemporary architecture scene, teacher at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne, lecturer in France and abroad, he has been a member of the Scientific Council of the Greater Paris Internawtional Workshop since 2012. Architect of the French National Library after winning a competition in 1989, he has designed, among other works, the Velodrome and Olympic Swimming Pool in Berlin, the expansion of the Court of Justice of the European Communities in Luxembourg, the Olympic Tennis Centre in Madrid, Ewha Womans University campus in Seoul, and Fukoku Tower in Osaka.
As his approach is to transform the landscape and territories, Dominique Perrault’s work as an architect is strictly related to his role as an urban planner. His urban studies in France and abroad help describe the continuity and consistency of his method: the development of the Garonne river banks in Bordeaux and in Ile de Nantes, the business district in Pudong in Shanghai, China (1992), the UNIMETAL site in Caen (1994), the Donau City center, the Danube river bank in Vienna, Austria (2002) and the construction of the new European district and business center of Sofia in Bulgaria, and the new Quartier de l’Etang in Geneva (2011).
Curator of the French Pavilion at the 12th Architecture Biennale of Venice on the topic of metropolis (METROPOLIS ?), Dominique Perrault also joins in 2012 the Conseil Scientifique de l’Atelier International du Grand Paris (AIGP).
In parallel he conducts some major operations of heritage restoration as the restoration of the prestigious Hippodrome de Longchamp in Paris and the Dufour pavilion at the Château de Versailles.
Winner of the French Academy of Architecture’s “Grand Gold Medal for Architecture”, the Mies van der Rohe Prize for the French National Library, the French Grand National Prize for Architecture and the Silver T-Square Prize for the Berlier Industrial Centre, and the Seoul Metropolitan Architecture Award for Ewha Womans University. His work is exposed in the greatest museums of the world.
In 2014, he will deliver the tallest tower in Vienna, an icon of the new business district, as well as the Grand Theatre in Albi, France. |
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Premio Internazionale Selinunte |
Praemium Imperiale Architecture Japan Art Association |
Grande Médaille d’or d’Architecture Académie d’Architecture |
Grand Prix National d’Architecture France |

Luxembourg [Luxembourg/Luxemburg/Lëtzebuerg]
» Luxembourg [Luxembourg/Luxemburg/Lëtzebuerg] |

Italy [Italia]
» Cinisello Balsamo |

Austria [Österreich]
» Innsbruck |

Germany [Deutschland]
» Berlin |

France [France]
» Le Cellier-sur-Loire |
L'Arca 263, novembre/november 2010 [Dominique Perrault] |
Dominique Perrault, "Non pas un duo, mas un trio", in AA.VV., Euralille, chroniques d'une métropole en mutation (1988-2008), Dominique Carré éditeur, Paris 2008, p. 153 |
Luca Bergo, Dominique Perrault, "Monoliti e inclinati/For Milan New Fairgrounds Area", L'Arca 215, giugno/june 2006, pp. 26-31 |
Dominique Perrault, Gaëlle Lauriot-Prévost, Meubles et Tapisseries/Furniture and Tapestries/Möbel und Wandbehänge, Birkhauser Verlag AG, 1997 |
Dominique Perrault, Bibliothèque nationale de France. 1989 1995, Birkhäuser, Basel 1996 |
A+U. Architecture and Urbanisme 468, september 2009 [Dominique Perrault/DPA today] |
AV Monografías/Monographs 134, XI-XII 2008 [Dominique Perrault] |
Frédéric Migayrou (ed.), Dominique Perrault Architecture, Éditions HYX/Centre Pompidou, Paris 2008 |
Maria Vittoria Capitanucci, "Dominique Perrault. Profile", Materia 50, maggio-agosto/may-august 2006 [Around 50], "Architetti/Architects" pp. 76-79 (76-97) |
Maria Vittoria Capitanucci, Dominique Perrault. Opere recenti, Skira, Milano 2006 |
Andrea Bruschi, Dominique Perrault. Architettura assente, Edizioni Kappa, Roma 2003
review: Michele Calzavara, "La poetica di Dominique Perrault/Dominique Perrault's aesthetic", Domus 860, giugno/june 2003, pp. 6-7 |
Frédéric Migayrou, "La violencia de lo Neutro. Notas sobra la arquitectura de Dominique Perrault/A Neutral Violence. Notes on the architecture of Dominique Perrault", El Croquis 104, 2001/I [Dominique Perrault. 1990-2001. The violence of neutral/La violencia de lo neutro], pp. 258-261 |
El Croquis 104, 2001/I [Dominique Perrault. 1990-2001. The violence of neutral/La violencia de lo neutro] |
Dominique Perrault. Opere e progetti, Electa, Milano 2000 |
Maurizio Vogliazzo, "Città, ambiente e natura/City, Environment and Nature", L'Arca Plus 20, 1999/I [Dominique Perrault], pp. 1-3 |
L'Arca Plus 20, 1999/I [Dominique Perrault] |
Dominique Perrault, Sens & Tonka, Berlin/Paris 1996 |
"»Stahl ist ein Material von hoher Intelligenz« - Ein Gespräch mit Dominique Perrault/"Steel is a highly intelligent material" An Interview with Dominique Perrault", Detail 7/8 2007 [Bauen mit Stahl/Steel construction/Architecture in acier], "Diskussion/Discussion" pp. 776-778 |
Frédéric Migayrou, "Arquitectura Computacional. Una conversación con Dominique Perrault/Computational Architecture. A conversation with Dominique Perrault", El Croquis 104, 2001/I [Dominique Perrault. 1990-2001. The violence of neutral/La violencia de lo neutro], pp. 6-17 |
The Groundscape Experience, Berlin, Aedes Architecture Forum, 27 january / 8 march 2018 |
Dominique Perrault. Urban Lanscape, Tokyo, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, 23 october/26 december 2010 |
Dominique Perrault Architecture, Paris, Centre Pompidou, 11 june/22 september 2008
Dominique Perrault Arquitecto, Madrid, Fundacion ICO, 29 january/17 may 2009
review: Chiara Molinar, "Perrault e la pelle degli edifici", Il giornale dell'architettura 64, luglio-agosto 2008, "Mostre" p. 46
review: Luis Fernández-Galiano, "'Géométrie' y 'finesse'", Arquitectura Viva 116, septiembre-octubre/september-october 2007 [Ladrillo visto], "Arte/Cultura" pp. 72-73 |
DPA Dominique Perrault architecte, Bordeaux, Arc en rêve centre d'architecture, 8 february/29 april 2007 |